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New Terra Farm News -- Factoids of Interest to the organic foodie February 22, 2010 |
Monday, February 22, 2010 Written & Published by Scott Kelland Written at New Terra Farm 13510 County Rd 15 Merrickville ON New Terra Farm News is sent only to those who have requested it. We value your privacy and never share our mailing list with anyone. To Cancel or Change your subscription, use the links at the bottom of this e-mail.
1. Opening NotesPlans are proceeding apace for the garden, the honeybees, improving and adding to the website, and (possibly) creating a farmer's market in Merrickville (more about that in a later issue.)I am eagerly waiting for the chance to start working in the new greenhouse; I expect we will start planting in there in the first week of March. This project has the potential to really extend our growing season, without having to use electricity or petro-chemicals. If all goes well this year, we will expand next season to increase the number of crops we grow under cover. And, lest I forget, plans are moving along for the Eco-Fair and Artists' Competition in the Village; details can be found at Merrickville Goes Green On another note, we're well into the 'start-up' phase of things here on the farm, so if you haven't done so, please send us the first installment payment for the season. The prices per share are remaining the same as last year, $500 for a half-share payable in two equal installments, and $900 for a full share, also payable in two installments. You can send cheques payable to New Terra Farm, 13510 County Rd 15, Merrickville K0G 1N0. If you choose to pay in installments, you can post-date the second installment as late as March 31 2010. You can also pay in installments by credit card on my
New Terra Farm page
7 things you didn't know about honeybeesI've been learning a lot about honeybees in the last few weeks (got to get an 'A" on my 'bee' course.) Here's a few choice tidbits of knowledge for the bee fancier.
3. More interesting people and placesFirst up, my friends Aleta Karstad and Fred Schueler are putting the finishing touches on their website that explains their work in the long term study of species in their habitats, and the human & environmental effects on them.Aleta and Fred are committed, smart and hard-working folks, who for the last 30 years or so have been pursuing their ecological agenda, often without support of any kind from the 'powers that be.' Much of the knowledge they have acquired is unique, and mustn't be lost to us. You can find out more, and perhaps choose to support their important work at Next up is the Fall River Restaurant on Highway 7 near Maberly, Ontario. Suzie and I went there for lunch last weekend; we were in the neighbourhood to meet with Mike Nickerson who I wrote about last issue ( The Fall River restaurant is billed as the 'greenest restaurant in Canada'; we had a great (organic) lunch, and a great chat with the owner Paul Zammit. Among other projects, Paul is planning a 'lunch and learn' lecture series out of his restaurant, featuring speakers on topics such as local food, organic growing, sustainable energy . . . sound familiar? And, Paul's next big eco-project is to install 10Kwh PV solar, installation to be done by Chris Weissflog of Eco-Gen Energy in Kemptville; small (green) world, Chris is one of my farm customers and a good friend. Check out the Fall River Restaurant, and if you are in the neighbourhood drop in for a bite; you won't be disappointed. The Fall River Restaurant You can contact me with questions or comments about any of the above at Scott's email |
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